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News & Events

Seedy Saturday Feb 22, 2025

Island Natural Growers is proud to present the 30th Annual Salt Spring Seedy Saturday weekend! The event will be held at the Salt Spring Farmers Institute (351 Rainbow Road) on February 22 & 23, 2025.

Join us on Saturday, February 22, from 10 am - 3 pm for the main event. There will be local seed & plant producers, fruit & nut tree growers, beekeeping supplies, seed exchange table, community groups, and local agriculture promoters from Salt Spring and Vancouver Island. A free educational workshop series will be held throughout the day Saturday with topics announced soon. There will also be an apple tree pruning demonstration happening in the orchard during the day. We will have vendors selling coffee and treats to keep you nourished. Entry is $5 at the door.



Are you interested in helping out with the event? We are looking for volunteers to fill a variety of roles. Sign up here.


The ever popular Seed Exchange table welcomes fresh, clean, open pollinated seed saved from your garden to exchange or donate. If you can package your own seed even better! Include the variety, year saved and any other useful information (eg: percentage of germination). Old, hybrid or commercially packaged seed is not accepted. Volunteers will be on hand to package bulk seed or please contact Michele Layard before February 15 and we will package your seed if you are unable to.


We are seeking someone to share organizing tasks for this year's Seed Exchange Table with our longstanding volunteer, Michele Layard. Preparing the Seed Exchange table is a fun annual task that is an important part of our event. If you are interested in getting involved with this, please contact Michele at





Happening on Sunday, February 23 is our extended free Educational Workshop Series. Dig deeper into specific topics with these two longer workshops. Pre-registration is required.


Foundations of Soil Management for the Islands Region   10:00-12:00

DeLisa Lewis, Lead Farmer at Green Fire Farm & Research Associate at the Sustainable Landscapes Agriculture Lab, UBC

This workshop is for farmers and food growers with an interest in better understanding and applying the basics of soil fertility, soil sampling, and soil health indicators to better manage their soils. We will cover the foundations of soil fertility management and explore resources and tools available to you in this region including how and why to take samples and how to choose a soil laboratory for analysis. 


Simply Seed Saving 1-4 pm

Ben Corno & Kaleigh Barton, Heavenly Roots Farm

This will be an information packed session that will teach you seed saving from start to finish. We will cover types of plants to grow, harvesting techniques, seed cleaning methods, timing for collecting seed, and so much more!



If you wish to participate in the event as a vendor and have not yet registered please contact Claire at



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